Tog-Talk with Kevin Ahronson

Searching in Adobe Lightroom Classic Pt.3
Searching the Metadata

This is the final part of a 3-part series looking at the search facility in Adobe Lightroom Classic.  In the previous two episodes, we looked at text searches and attribute searches, today it's the turn of Metadata.

Metadata is the hidden information contained inside most photos which reveals how they were taken: what camera was used, what lens, details about the focal length, aperture, shutter speed, ISO and so on.

Say you wanted to find a photo you took a couple of years ago with your fisheye lens.  Lightroom would allow you to search both by date and also by focal length, making it very easy to locate the shot you're looking for.

As another example, perhaps you wanted an image that showed the creative use of motion blur.  You could do a search of all images where the shutter speed was less than half a second - or any speed you felt was appropriate.

You can of course combine a Metadata search with a text search and look for all shots taken on holiday in Spain where you used flash.  The options are virtually limitless.

My name is Kevin Ahronson, I am a professional photographer and founder of Hampshire School of Photography


Hampshire School of Photography is based in Fleet, Hampshire, on the border with Berkshire and Surrey.

Its wide-ranging curriculum teaches photography to enthusiasts at all levels; from complete beginners and advanced amateurs, through to those who want to go professional.

It does this through courses, workshops and year-long Masterclasses that provide solid foundations in amongst other things: photography theory, portrait & landscape photography, working with flash, macro photography and editing in Lightroom and Photoshop

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