Tog-Talk with Kevin Ahronson

Find out how Lightroom’s latest updates will make your life easier

This week’s video tutorial introduces some of the new features in the recently updated Adobe Lightroom

The new updates in Lightroom are quite outstanding! (Well at least I think they are)

Most updates from Adobe don’t make big headlines.

While most are kinda cool… they are not necessarily exciting. The latest update is one of those rare exceptions.

Adobe have given Lightroom new superpowers.

You can now do stuff (really useful stuff) that until now, you could only really do in Photoshop​​.

OK, ‘some’ of it was possible in Lightroom, but it would have taken forever.

In this 15 min tutorial I’ll give you a snapshot of what’s possible.

If you have some Photoshop experience you will probably find this a breeze.


If you have any questions about the subject covered in this tutorial or you would like me to cover any specific editing topic, drop me a line at:

Hampshire School of Photography has a training Centre in Fleet (North Hampshire) and you can find out about its courses in: Photoshop, Lightroom and of course Photography at

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